When the build started and all seemed well Ben said get the telly you want and let me know how big it is so I can build the unit to match, but don't get one that's too big. A very reasonable request, so we duly trooped out and brought a nice little Sony Bravia 23", the base of which was part of the case so it seemed very stable - ideal for a boat. Gave Ben the dimensions which were fine. On a later visit we were shown the cabinet Ben had built which was very pretty but had doors on the front and not really suitable to mount the TV.
The new plan was to mount the TV on the wall above the cabinet, only the TV we had purchased was now too big. Off we trot again to get a new smaller TV with a bracket to make sure they match up and present Ben with the bracket so he knows exactly the position of the screw holes and a digram of its position on the back of the TV so shelves can be built round it. Well the shelves never appeared, the bracket is still in its box on the boat and the TV is still boxed behind me as I type.
What of the original TV I hear you ask.
Well that got incorporated into a set of wardrobes I built into our bedroom
The bilge pump.
The bulge pump got sorted before the survey as it seemed prudent to get things right in view of the problems we were having with water ingress. The fault was that the pump ran continually unless stopped on the trip switch in the engine bay which was a bit of a pain to say the least.
Ben told me that the supplier had not supplied him with an automatic pump as he had ordered (Its never Bens fault) and that it would be sorted before we took delivery. I'm sure people will be astounded to find that nothing happened.
Down to the chandlers to get an automatic bilge pump - 500 gph should be enough and and an override switch to save diving down into the engine bay if there is still a problem. Back to the boat to get some work done. Old pump removed and new one wired in with override switch. On examining the pump I had taken out I find a float chamber but the wire from it has been teed into the direct feed, effectively shorting it out. What a numpty.
At least I now have a perfectly good spare bilge pump and no boat should be without that, should it.
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