Monday 10 June 2013


Trimmed the wardrobe doors down this morning and loaded the motor, then over to Nottingham to get some roofing felt for the shed and a longer TV bracket for T-A. Re-felting the garden shed is on my list of to dos before winter and I decided that the swinging arm for the TV would be better if it were two inches longer(Now where have I heard that before?) to clear the curtains.  Straight down to T-A , TV mounting replaced and wardrobe doors hung.
Pot of varnish out again for the wardrobe doors and another coat for the lounge floor.
So now the bedroom is complete as is the lounge and the bathroom just requires a bit of trim and sealant applying around the base of the shower.
Think it’ll be an easy day or two doing jobs around the home before starting on the galley, a change is as good as a restJ

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