Sunday 15 April 2012

Testing and Weiring

On T-A Saturday removing more of the boarding under the gunwales to access the wiring, seems to be a mixed bag of scrap pieces of  varying  length and thickness. The saving grace is that it will burn.
Also removed more of the smaller furniture to make room for a workmate or similar for when the work starts in earnest. To that end it was time to see if the boat was movable  as the black water tank needs to be emptied before slipping so it can be worked on. Although the sensors are not fitted for the new control panel the main wiring is back in place. 10 seconds of heater and the trusty Beta sprang into life despite not being started since last summer, plenty of alarms but that was to be expected without the sensors for oil and temperature. I’ll worry more if there are alarms after fitting. At least the voltmeter was showing a healthy 14V.
Morse control tested at the same time and forward and reverse engaging cleanly. Hydraulic steering swung several times and responds well with no signs of leaks.
A good day all round.
Out with the GCS today to raise the lip on the weir at Denton as part of the preparatory works for the new lock gates at Woolsthorpe No18.
Much to the amusement of passing walkers.
Four seasons in one day rain, wind, hail and sunshine, but none the less another good day.

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