Friday 13 July 2012

Wiring Continues

Well I’m still at it, the 12V wiring in the forward part of T-A is nearing completion, all that is left is the sensor for the water tank, the extractor fan in the bathroom and the reading lights in the lounge. All the overhead lighting is complete but as usual nothing was straight forward and the bedroom ceiling had to be operated on to get the cables through. Nice new reading lamps installed. 
Trim had to be removed and panels prised down. Ran a blade along the edges of the battens to stop the ash veneer pulling up as battens are glued as well as screwed and it worked a treat, only veneer under the strips lifted.  
Battening back up with just plugs to insert.
The wiring under the gunwales has been a pain – literally – in avoiding the screws that are poking out of the woodwork, but I’m pleased with the way its turning out. Gone is the cats cradle of blue and brown.
To be replaced by red and black (Yellow is the draw cord for any further additions) and the 240V is now running in its own separate conduit.
The new ceiling lights in the lounge have been installed as has the extractor fan over the hob behind a fancy new vent.
Just the panelling to replace.
As for the rest of the time it’s been cutting grass, harvesting and freezing broad beans, digging new potatoes ----- Mmmmmm nice bit of chicken served up with new potatoes and broad beans fresh out of the garden all covered in parsley sauce – can’t be beat. (Sorry Tony – delete chicken and substitute haddock)

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