Friday 20 July 2012

Pottering and All Clear

Not a lot to record this week. Bit of general work round the home and garden. Some time on T-A with the wiring but not much progress because I got a call from Bill Rosie the engineer who carried out the initial survey on T-A at the start of the dispute. Bill is semi-retired now but as he had been involved at the start was interested to see how things were developing. We agreed to meet up on Friday (today) as I had asked for his advice on a few items and wanted him to give the work carried out the once over to see if I had made too many cock-ups.
Spent Thursday tidying up and clearing some of the clutter so  as to able to get into the nooks and crannies for the inspection and spent this morning in thoroughly enjoyable boaty chat. Looks like work to date complies with regulations and what modifications I have made or plan to make should not cause any problems, on top of that he passed on loads of pointers and tips which should make life easier.
It’s surprising how a morning spent with someone in the know can clear the fog and give you a clear idea of the way forward.
Back to business in earnest next week with a couple of GCS work parties thrown in for good measure.
Even the weather seems to be picking up. J

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