Sunday 17 March 2013


Not a lot of blogging lately purely because there is not much to record.
A couple of days down at Woolsthorpe with the GCS helping to get Three Shires ready to go back in the water before Easter.
All the parts for the skylight are made but I want to get some varnished before assembly so the is no bare wood under hinges etcetera.
The only trouble is that it is too cold or too damp to get the paint brush out.
The vegetable plot has had a first run over with the rotavator to scuffle the ground up a bit but it still requires a good deep run to break the ground up into a fine tilth.
Every blooming day we seem to be confounded by the weather. It’s the middle of March and look at what we have got.
Worst of all we have run out of bird food, didn’t think to get any more so late in the season.
Bah, humbug!!!! L

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