Monday 25 July 2011

Other jobs

Well now we are off the slipway that brings us up to date. The only boat work going on at the moment is to assemble the new door bottoms.
Now looks like this.
The panels were varnished before assembly as I prefer them to be able to float in the frame as the wood swells. Used the old favourite Evo-stick weatherproof wood glue, no screws in the framework except to hold the top ledge in place against a dowel joint, as this will take the weight of the door top
I’ve made this type of door before in pine and the design seems to hold together OK even after several years use.
Whilst sorting out paintbrushes for the doors I found we had an unexpected lodger.
Shame Mrs Mouse couldn’t have used an old roller, but that’s never the way is it. Hey ho life in the country.
The new pup Sox managed to catch a swift as it came out of the garage roof – talk about fast. Fortunately Karen spotted him and after some shouting the swift made a swift getaway. (Sorry)
Most of the time over the last few days has been getting in the harvest. There seems to be plenty of everything this year especially fruit which is already starting to ripen. 
Spent this afternoon getting shallots cleaned and salted ready for pickling, the freezer will hold a fair bit, but if anyone has any good recipes for pies or preserves let me know. Take your pick from apples, pears, quince, mulberries, blackberries, gooseberries and tayberries.  

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